IStepFlattenStep(String, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Char, Int32) Method

The step will be flatted, all repeated objects from other steps are placed on the new step.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public bool FlattenStep(
	string newStepName,
	bool saveRAM,
	bool BoardIDAppendForCMPRef,
	int BoardIDBegin = 0,
	char Separator = '_',
	int NumberLengthMinimum = 0


newStepName  String
This must be a new stepname!
saveRAM  Boolean
Flatten only objects in profile and unload layers after finishing.
BoardIDAppendForCMPRef  Boolean
All References are changed with board ID, there are method to use the ID at beginning or at the end of each Reference. This is necessary because reference must be unique.
BoardIDBegin  Int32  (Optional)
Board ID default begins by 0, in some cases you want to begin e.g. with 1.
Separator  Char  (Optional)
Separate reference of component with number of board. The default value ist '_' (underline), maybe you want to use '-' or other separator.
NumberLengthMinimum  Int32  (Optional)
Minimum numbers for component reference e.g. IC25_001 for minimum 3.

Return Value

False if a error occurs.

See Also