InterfaceCMPLayer Interface

The ICMPLayer include this interface to give user the option to create unit tests and be flexible in your own code by using other objects instead of ICMPLayers.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation.Interfaces
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public interface InterfaceCMPLayer : InterfaceLayer


Col Layer color.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
ShowInLayerList You can activate or deactivate the layer for layerlist.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)


(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
DeleteSelectedCMPs All Selected components on this layer are removed.
DisableLayer Deactivate the layer and remove it from drawing list.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
EnableLayer Enable layer for drawing. The layer get a layer color for draw it's elements and will be marked in layerlist.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetAllLayerObjects All objects of this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetAllObjectInRectangle Get all objects in rectangle.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetAllObjectsOnPosition Check for objects on the given position.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetBoundsD Layer bounds in mils.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetComponentByReference Search for component by reference (reference in ODB++ sould be unique).
GetConnectedComponents Returns all components which are connected with the Point.
GetElementCount Count of all elements.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetLayerName Name of this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetNotesOnLayer Notes of this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetOverlayColor Color for location.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetOverlayPixelValue Ask internal list to get the relevant value on the X/Y location.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
HasOverlay Is overlay used for this layer?
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
IsTopComponentLayer Is top component layer or bottom layer? On bottom layer all components are mirrored in X direction, because user see them from false direction.
MirrorX Mirror in X direction.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
MirrorY Mirror in Y direction.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
MoveLayer(PointD) Move all elements on this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
MoveLayer(PointF) Move all elements on this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
RotateLayer Rotate all elements on this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
SaveLayerAsCatia saves the layer as catia script
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
SaveLayerAsDXF Export a dxf file with all elements of this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
SetOverlayAlpha Transparence of the layer image.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
SetOverlayImage Overlay image like in physics to show more information on the layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)

See Also