IArcSpecificsD Class

Only Arcs have this combination of specifics.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public class IArcSpecificsD : IObjectSpecificsD, 
	InterfaceArcSpecificsD, InterfaceObjectSpecificsD
Object    IObjectSpecificsD    IArcSpecificsD
InterfaceArcSpecificsD, InterfaceObjectSpecificsD


IArcSpecificsDInitializes a new instance of the IArcSpecificsD class
IArcSpecificsD(IArcEdge, Int32)Initializes a new instance of the IArcSpecificsD class


Center The center of the arc.
ClockWise The direction of the arc.
DCode Gerber dcode number or Excellon tool number (0 if not defined).
Diameter The diameter of the arc (2 x distance center to start).
End The endpoint of the arc.
ODBSymbol_String This string include all relevant information to create the object.
PenWidth Width of the pen (thickness of arc). Set the PenWidth by changing the symbol (shape index)
Positive Can be used for tagging any information to this object (Clone only copies the reference)
(Inherited from IObjectSpecificsD)
ShapeIndex The explicit shape index in the symbol defenition, is only used in set specifics if you set it expliziet.
Start The startpoint of the arc.
Type The type gives information over the geometry (rect, oval etc).


Clone Clone this object with all members and properties.
(Overrides IObjectSpecificsDClone)


Tag Tag to add temporary object.
(Inherited from IObjectSpecificsD)

Extension Methods

See Also