InterfacePackageSpecificsD Interface

The Package defined the component.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation.Interfaces
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public interface InterfacePackageSpecificsD : InterfaceObjectSpecificsD


Bounds Get the bounds of the object.
Height The package height.
InsertPoint Get the insert point of the package.
Name Name of package for components. This name should be unique!
Pitch Min. distance in mils between pins.
Positive Is the object a cut out?
(Inherited from InterfaceObjectSpecificsD)


AddEllipsePin Add an round pin to the package definition.
AddOutline(InterfacePolyClass) Defined the body of the package as InterfacePolyClass (definition as lines and arc edges) and add it to existing outline.
AddOutline(InterfaceSurfaceSpecificsD) Defined the body of the package as InterfaceSurfaceSpecifics and add it to current body.
AddOutline(IPolyClass) Defined the body of the package as IPolyClass (definition as lines and arc edges) and add it to existing outline.
AddOutline(ISurfaceSpecificsD) Defined the body of the package as ISurfaceSpecifics and add it to current body.
AddPKGProperty Add package property to package.
AddPolygonPin(InterfacePolyClass, String) After creating a polyon pin surface, add it with this method.
AddPolygonPin(InterfaceSurfaceSpecificsD, String) After creating a polyon pin surface, add it with this method.
AddPolygonPin(IPolyClass, String) After creating a polyon pin surface, add it with this method.
AddPolygonPin(ISurfaceSpecificsD, String) After creating a polyon pin surface, add it with this method.
AddRectanglePin Add an rectangle pin to the package. The pin is setted on the middle of the rectangle.
Clone Clone this object with all members and properties.
CreatePolygonPinSurface To use AddPolygonPin you need a surface to work.
CreatePolygonPinSurfaceD To use AddPolygonPin you need a surface to work.
Equals Override the standard equals method to find internal objects correct. Detailled comparison, including names+properties
GetBodyBounds Bounds of the package outline without Pins
GetBounds Bounds of the package outline including Pins
GetGeometryPinList Get a list of all pin for this package.
GetPackageImage(Int32, Int32, Color, Color, Color, Color, Color, Double) Get image of package width specific size and colors.
GetPackageImage(Int32, Int32, Color, Color, Color, Color, Color, RectangleD, Double) Get image of package width specific size and colors.
GetPackageSurfaceSpecificsD Create a surface from the outline of the package.
GetPinPolys Create a list of pins in this package.
GetPolygonOutlineWithoutPins Creates outline as IPolyClass.
GetSimplePolygonOutlineWithoutPins Creates outline as IPolyClass without extra elements (only main body or biggest closed part).
MirrorX Mirror package in X direction.
MirrorY Mirror package in Y direction.
RemovePinList Remove all pins of this package and clear outline polygon. Be carefull with this method, all old pin information are lost after "RemovePinList".
ReplacePinContour(Int32, InterfacePolyClass, String) Replace a pin of this package by new pin definition as IPolyClass.
ReplacePinContour(Int32, IPolyClass, String) Replace a pin of this package by new pin definition as IPolyClass.
ReplacePinEllipse Replace exiting pin on pin position "PinNumber", with ellipse pin definition.
ReplacePinRectangle Replace existing pin with an rectangle pin definition.
SetOutline(InterfacePolyClass) Defined the body of the package as InterfacePolyClass (definition as lines and arc edges).
SetOutline(InterfaceSurfaceSpecificsD) Defined the body of the package as InterfaceSurfaceSpecifics.
SetOutline(IPolyClass) Defined the body of the package as IPolyClass (definition as lines and arc edges).
SetOutline(ISurfaceSpecificsD) Defined the body of the package as ISurfaceSpecifics.
UpdateBounds Recalculate Bounds for this package.

See Also