InterfaceODBObject Methods


CalculateArea Calculates the Area of this object.
DistanceTo(InterfaceODBObject) Calculate the distance between two objects.
DistanceTo(IODBObject) Calculate the distance between two objects.
DistanceTo(PointD) Calculate distance between this object and an point.
DistanceTo(InterfaceODBObject, PointD, PointD) Calculate the distance between two objects.
DistanceTo(InterfaceODBObject, PointF, PointF) Calculate the distance between two objects.
DistanceTo(IODBObject, PointD, PointD) Calculate the distance between two objects.
DistanceTo(IODBObject, PointF, PointF) Calculate the distance between two objects.
DoesIntersect(InterfaceODBObject) If the SecondObject intersect with this Object it returns true.
DoesIntersect(IODBObject) If the SecondObject intersect with this Object it returns true.
DoesIntersect(ICMPObject, Boolean) Check does the SecondObject intersect with this object.
DoesIntersect(InterfaceCMPObject, Boolean) Check does the SecondObject intersect with this object.
Equals Determines whether two objects are the same.
GetAttributes Returns a Hashtable with Key=FeatureAttributeType and Value string. User attributes are special or have higher value as special (not explicitly defined).
GetAttributesDictionary Returns a Dictionary with FeatureAttributeEnum key and value as string. User attributes are special or have higher value as special (not explicitly defined) and have the name in value are.
GetAttributesDictionaryStringKeys Returns a Dictionary with FeatureAttributeEnum or user attribute name and value as string.
GetBounds The bounds of the object.
GetBoundsD The bounds of the object.
GetDiameter Get the diameter of the object.
GetGraphicsPath Gets the GraphicsPath (System.Drawing.Drawing2D).
GetHashCode Gets the hash code.
GetIndexOnLayer The index in the parent layer element list.
GetLengthOutline Calculate the length of the outline.
GetOutline Creates a list of all elements building the outline.
GetOutlineD Creates a list of all elements building the outline.
GetParentLayerName Returns the name of the parent layer.
GetPolygonOutline Creates outline as IPolyClass. Only created once per IODBObject and then reused! Maybe use clones!
GetSpecifics The special information of this objecttype.
GetSpecificsD The special information of this objecttype.
GetSymbol Returns the tool definition of this object when it is a line, arc or pad and has a valid parent. Otherwise null is returned.
IsPointIncluded(PointD) Check the point contained in the opject outline.
IsPointIncluded(PointF) Check the point contained in the opject outline.
IsPointOfSecondObjectIncluded(InterfaceODBObject) If the SecondObject have a Point in this object it returns true;
IsPointOfSecondObjectIncluded(IODBObject) If the SecondObject have a Point in this object it returns true;
IsPointOfSecondObjectIncluded(ICMPObject, Boolean) Returns true if the SecondObject have a Point in this object (this checks the first point of second polygon).
IsPointOfSecondObjectIncluded(InterfaceCMPObject, Boolean) Returns true if the SecondObject have a Point in this object (this checks the first point of second polygon).
Mirror The object will be mirrored in x or y direction.
ObjectColorTemporary Set the component color temporary, whitout event for need save changes. Caution: If you save while the object exists is the color added!
ReplaceItemBy(InterfaceODBObject) Replace this object by other object on same position of layer element list. It is important to use a existing symbol (shape index).
ReplaceItemBy(IODBObject) Replace this object by other object on same position of layer element list. It is important to use a existing symbol (shape index).
ResetBufferPolygon Remove internal reference for buffer polygon. This reduce the RAM useage but takes more time for all polygon actions like intersect or distance calculation.
ResetColor Resets the set color
Rotate(Double, Boolean) Rotate the object.
Rotate(Int32, Boolean) Rotate the object.
Select Select or deselect the object, this dose not update the internal selection buffer. At the end call UpdateSelection from IPCBIWindow.
SetAttribute(FeatureAttributeEnum, Object, Boolean) Set a new attribute for this IODBObject with definition for type and value. It can be a double, int, bool, enum (string of value) or string attribute.
SetAttribute(FeatureAttributeEnum, String, Boolean) Set a new attribute for this IODBObject with definition for type and value. It can be a double, int, bool, enum (string of value) or string attribute.
SetAttribute(String, String, Boolean) Set an string attribute to the IODBObject.
SetOffset(PointD, Boolean) Move the object.
SetOffset(PointF, Boolean) Move the object.
SetOffset(Single, Single, Boolean) Move the object.
SetSpecifics(InterfaceObjectSpecificsD) Set the specific values of the object, uses the last ShapeIndex!
SetSpecifics(IObjectSpecifics) Set the specific values of the object, uses the last ShapeIndex!
SetSpecifics(IObjectSpecificsD) Set the specific values of the object, uses the last ShapeIndex!
SetSpecifics(InterfaceObjectSpecificsD, Int32) Obsolete: Will be removed in next version. Please use SetSpecifics without extra ShapeIndex! Set the specific values of the object.
SetSpecifics(IObjectSpecifics, Int32) Obsolete: Will be removed in next version. Please use SetSpecifics without extra ShapeIndex! Set the specific values of the object.
SetSpecifics(IObjectSpecificsD, Int32) Obsolete: Will be removed in next version. Please use SetSpecifics without extra ShapeIndex! Set the specific values of the object.
ToString Overrides the ToString method.
UpdateDynamicText(InterfaceODBLayer) If current object is a text object, and has a dynamic text value (e.g. $$DDMMYYYY), then the dynamic text of the object is updated
UpdateDynamicText(IODBLayer) If current object is a text object, and has a dynamic text value (e.g. $$DDMMYYYY), then the dynamic text of the object is updated
UpdateInternal Update internal fields and values (e.g. buffered object bounds, arc start/sweep angles, ...).

See Also