IAutomationCompareWorkerCompareLayers(IPCBIWindow, ILayer, IPCBIWindow, ILayer, IPCBIWindow, Boolean, RectangleF, Int32, ListIAutomationResultDifferencesCompareClass, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) Method

Compare to layers graphically, internal it will be create two images of the layers and compare.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public bool CompareLayers(
	IPCBIWindow OutputWindow,
	ILayer layer1,
	IPCBIWindow Parent1,
	ILayer layer2,
	IPCBIWindow Parent2,
	bool CreateLayerIfSame,
	RectangleF screenRect,
	int Precisioned,
	out List<IAutomationResultDifferencesCompareClass> ResultList,
	bool connectResultAreas,
	bool OnlyInProfile,
	bool IgnoreMPNPackages


OutputWindow  IPCBIWindow
The job window, for the output.
layer1  ILayer
The layer from the first job.
Parent1  IPCBIWindow
The parent window from the first job.
layer2  ILayer
The layer from the second job.
Parent2  IPCBIWindow
The parent window from the second job.
CreateLayerIfSame  Boolean
screenRect  RectangleF
The relevant area.
Precisioned  Int32
It will be more accurate and slower if the value is bigger (1 is 5 µm).
ResultList  ListIAutomationResultDifferencesCompareClass
All results in one list.
connectResultAreas  Boolean
Add connected errorareas to one bigger area.
OnlyInProfile  Boolean
Only elements in Profile area are checked.
IgnoreMPNPackages  Boolean
Do not compare MPN packages for components.

Return Value

false if the layers have the same visual nature.

See Also