IDragAndDropManager Properties


DockToAnchorPerAxis If true, the dock is done to an anchor point for x and y separately If false, the dock is only done to the point if dx AND dy are smaller than 20 mils (helperLinesAllowDistanceDockClient)
DrawDistanceColor Color for distance lines.
DrawOversizePolyColor Color for oversized polygon (distance polygon).
DrawPenColor Color of helper lines and dashed elements (e.g. rotation and offset line).
DrawPolygonColor Color of current polygon outline.
DrawTextColor Color for text, e.g. angle of rotation.
FillPolygonColor Color of current polygon filling.
MinDistance Minimum distance to set current element back e.g. by move mode.
MinDistanceProfile Minimum distance to set current element back e.g. by move mode.
SearchRadiusForAlignmentLines Search radius for neighbour lines to align on same X/Y in world coordinates.
SearchRadiusForAnchorPointsClient Search radius for anchour points near current element in client coordinates
ShowDistance Show distance to neighbours.
ShowDistanceZeroCircleSizeWorld Show distance zero circle size in world size (Draw a small circle by touching points).
ShowOversizePolyForMinDistance If MinDistance > 0 it shows a extra polygon with distance value.

See Also