FormatTypes Enumeration

Summary description for ImportFileOptions.


Namespace: PCBI.ImportOptions
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public enum FormatTypes


Gerber274x0 Extended Gerber 274x
Gerber274d1 not included Gerber 274d
HPGL12 HPGL1 format
HPGL23 HPGL2 format
ASCII4 ASCII files, import as text elements.
Excellon15 Drill layers in Excellon1 format.
Excellon26 Drill layers in Excellon2 format.
Milling7 Milling format
ExcellonHP30708 ExcellonHP3070 is special drill format.
Picture9 pictures can be importat via AddPictureLayer from IPCBIWindow.
Document10 Document layer
SiebMeyer11 Sieb and Meyer format for signal layers or other types.
unknown12 Not possible to import.
PDF13 PDF for schematics with drawings and descriptions.
IPC258114 IPC2581 format with components, nets, signal data and layer stackups.
IPC2581B15 IPC2581 revision B format with components, nets, signal data and layer stackups.
IPC2581C16 IPC2581 revision C format with components, nets, signal data and layer stackups.
IPC35617 Nets data for existing signal data e.g. for gerber layers.
GenCad1418 Gen Cad 1.4 contains components, nets and signal data.
DXF19 In standard case it contains one layer with outlines of elements.
ZIP20 Compressed directory in ZIP format.
_7Z21 Compressed directory in 7Z format.
TGZ22 Compressed directory in TGZ format.
RAR23 Compressed directory in RAR format.
IDF24 IDF contains two files one with components and one with signal data.
ODB__25 Directory structure of ODB++ format. Contains components, nets, attributes, PCB outline and layer stackup.
DPF26 DPF files contain one layer with nets and attributes.
EAGLE27 Eagle files contain complete stackup and components.
FATF28 Fab Master Files including complete stackup, components and nets.
CCZ29 CCZ file including complete stackup, components and nets.
GDS30 GDS/GDSII files contain a set of layers
FAB31 Cadance FAB File with signals, nets and components.
Zuken32 Zuken files with extension ftf and or pcf.
SVG33 SVG files containing vector grafics on different layers.
PADS34 Pads files with full design information.

See Also