InterfaceComponentSpecificsD Interface

Only Components have this combination of specifics.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation.Interfaces
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public interface InterfaceComponentSpecificsD : InterfaceObjectSpecificsD


Attributes All relecant attributes as string.
Height the componentheight in mils
InsertPoint The insert point on the layer in mils.
Location The position on the layer in mils.
MirrorX Mirror the component in X direction.
MirrorY Mirror the component in Y direction.
PartName The name of the component.
PlacedTop Is the component on the top side of the board?
Positive Is the object a cut out?
(Inherited from InterfaceObjectSpecificsD)
Properties The ODB++ Properties: key = name of property value = value of property
Reference The unique name of the component.
Rotation Rotation of component.
Value The component value (the dame like the attribute value).


Clone Clone this object with all members and properties.
(Inherited from InterfaceObjectSpecificsD)

See Also