ExcelReadExcel Method

Reads a xlsx file and returns a list of lists of cells (one list of cells per row)


Namespace: PCBI.Automation.IO
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public static List<List<ExcelCell>> ReadExcel(
	IFileData xlsxFile,
	int sheetID,
	out string sheetName,
	out string error,
	out int totalSheetCount


xlsxFile  IFileData
XLSX File to read
sheetID  Int32
Index of the sheet (zero based)
sheetName  String
Returns the name of this sheet or empty
error  String
Returns the error information if funtion fails
totalSheetCount  Int32
Returns number of sheets in the file

Return Value

List of lists of cells

See Also