InterfaceODBLayer Methods


AddObject(InterfaceObjectSpecificsD) Adds a object to this layer. Attention: The shape indices of lines, arcs and pads are taken from the symbol table of this layer. To ensure the right symbol you may have to create the symbol on this layer and update the shape index first.
AddObject(IObjectSpecificsD) Adds a object to this layer. Attention: The shape indices of lines, arcs and pads are taken from the symbol table of this layer. To ensure the right symbol you may have to create the symbol on this layer and update the shape index first.
AOIHighResolutionBMPExport(String, RectangleF, Boolean, Int32) Works only with extra licence! Creates a high resolution Bitmap from the clipping Rectangle and save it.
AOIHighResolutionBMPExport(String, Size, RectangleF, Boolean) Works only with extra licence! Creates a high resolution Bitmap from the clipping Rectangle and save it. It expand the area if the aspect ratio have other
AOIHighResolutionBMPExport(String, RectangleF, Boolean, Int32, Boolean) Works only with extra licence! Creates a high resolution Bitmap from the clipping Rectangle and save it.
CalculateArea Calculate the area of this layer.
CalculateLayerBounds Check all objects on the layer and calculates the bounds new.
CreateLayerNetList Creates the net numbers of this layer with a reset first. The result is written in LayerNetNumber of each IODBObject of this layer.
DisableLayer Deactivate the layer and remove it from drawing list.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
EnableLayer Enable layer for drawing. The layer get a layer color for draw it's elements and will be marked in layerlist.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
FloodLayer(InterfacePCBIWindow, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) Flood layer with surfaces, this use pcb outline for edge.
FloodLayer(IPCBIWindow, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) Flood layer with surfaces, this use pcb outline for edge.
GetAllLayerObjects All objects of this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetAllObjectInRectangle Get all objects in rectangle.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetAllObjectsOnPosition Returns all objects on the point.
GetBoundsD Layer bounds in mils.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetElementCount Count of all elements.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetHashCode Override the hashcode to compare more instances from one Element.
GetLayerName Name of this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetNetNames key = int, value = string
GetNetNumber Returns the local net number from a netname.
GetNotesOnLayer Notes of this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetOutlineFromShapeIndex Creates a list oj IODBObject to reproduce the outline of an tool.
GetOverlayColor Color for location.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetOverlayPixelValue Ask internal list to get the relevant value on the X/Y location.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
GetPolygonizeLayerObjects Create polygonized objects for all layerobjects
GetPolygonOutlineFromShapeIndex Create IPolyClass outline form shape index.
GetShapeIndexFromSymbolName Check Symbol exists and search for the index, if no symbol found it returns -1.
GetSpecialSymbolElements Check the shape index, if it is a special symbol all elements are returned.
GetSymbolNameFromShapeIndex Returns the ODBString for the ShapeIndex or Empty String
GetSymbolStringFromShapeIndex Returns the ODBString for the ShapeIndex or Empty String
GetTextLines(InterfaceODBObject) Create a list of Lines in structure of the Text. E.G. a X contains two lines, one from left down to right up and one from left up to right down. Attention: The Text is not added to the layer, you have to SetSpecifics() of each line to add them to this layer!
GetTextLines(IODBObject) Create a list of Lines in structure of the Text. E.G. a X contains two lines, one from left down to right up and one from left up to right down. Attention: The Text is not added to the layer, you have to SetSpecifics() of each line to add them to this layer!
GetTextLines(String, RectangleD) Create a list of Lines in structure of the Text. E.G. a X contains two lines, one from left down to right up and one from left up to right down. Attention: The Text is not added to the layer, you have to SetSpecifics() of each line to add them to this layer!
HasOverlay Is overlay used for this layer?
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
HatchObject(InterfacePolyClass, PatternHatch, Double, Double, Boolean) Hatch a object with the special pattern.
HatchObject(IPolyClass, PatternHatch, Double, Double, Boolean) Hatch a object with the special pattern.
MirrorX Mirror in X direction.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
MirrorY Mirror in Y direction.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
MoveLayer(PointD) Move all elements on this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
MoveLayer(PointF) Move all elements on this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
Oversize Oversize or undersize the layer, with option for only selected and values in percentage.
PolygonizeCuttedObjectsOnLayer Removes negative objects on the layer by polygonizing cutted objects, so that the result looks same, but without negatives objects.
PolygonizeLayer All layer objects will be checked for overlapping, than they are conected to new objects. You get many new surfaces if there are overlapping of objects on the layer.
PolygonizeLayer(Double) All layer objects will be checked for overlapping, than they are conected to new objects. You get many new surfaces if there are overlapping of objects on the layer.
PolygonizeLayer(Double, Boolean) All layer objects will be chacked for overlapping, than they are conected to new objects. You get many new surfaces if there are overlapping of objects on the layer. This removes all other elements from the layer!
PolygonizeNets Polygonizes all overlapping Objects to one polygon. The 'Tag' is the first IODBObject of the chain.
RemoveAllObjects Removes all objects on this layer (no Undo)
RemoveObject(InterfaceODBObject, Boolean, Boolean) Remove one IODBObject from the layer and delete the included data.
RemoveObject(IODBObject, Boolean, Boolean) Remove one IODBObject from the layer and delete the included data.
RemoveObjects(ListInterfaceODBObject) Removes a list of objects (no Undo)
RemoveObjects(ListIODBObject) Removes a list of objects (no Undo)
ResetFreeText Reset all free texts on this layer.
ResetNetNumbers Reset the generated net numbers. This is only for layer net numbers who are calculated by PCB-Investigator. Net numbers from the data are saved in PCB-NetNumbers and never modified.
RotateLayer(Boolean) Rotate all elements on this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
RotateLayer(Double) Rotate the layer by the specified angle (degree).
SaveLayerAsCatia saves the layer as catia script
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
SaveLayerAsDXF Export a dxf file with all elements of this layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
SaveLayerAsGerber Save all layerobjects as gerberfile to the fullPath location.
SetNetNumber Set the net number from a specific net.
SetOverlayAlpha Transparence of the layer image.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)
SetOverlayImage Overlay image like in physics to show more information on the layer.
(Inherited from InterfaceLayer)

See Also