Extensions Methods


CalculateCenterOfGravity Calculate the center of gravity for the polygon.
CleanUpPolygon(IPolyClass, Int32) Combine lines and arcs if they have same start/end point and same angle/center/direction. This removes some of the edges to get simpl polygons.
CleanUpPolygon(IPolyClass, Boolean, Int32) Combine lines and arcs if they have same start/end point and same angle/center/direction. This removes some of the edges to get simpl polygons.
GetAlignmentMatrix(IPackageSpecificsD, IPackageSpecificsD) Returns the best possible matrix to align the MPN package to the CAD package
GetAlignmentMatrix(IPackageSpecificsD, IPackageSpecificsD, Int32, Int32) Returns the best possible matrix to align the MPN package to the CAD package
GetAlignmentMatrix(IPackageSpecificsD, IPackageSpecificsD, Int32, Int32, Boolean) Returns the best possible matrix to align the MPN package to the CAD package
GetAlignmentMatrixOld Returns the matrix to align the MPN package to the CAD package (old Version, do not use any more, only for compatibility)
GetConvexHullOfPoly Returns the convex Hull of a given Polygon. Only works on closed and flattened polygons.
GetCorrectionAngleToIPCConformity compare the package by pin positions with IPC rules (pin1 left up)
GetLocationOrStart Search for location or start point
GetMinBoundingBox Calculates the minimum bounding box of a convex polygon
GetShapeIndex Check the type of this IODBObject and get the shape index (used symbol index).
GetSpecialHashCode Calculate special hash code for object by outline definition e.g. rectangle based on 4 corners
IsOctagon Try to find out it is a octagon. This requires sorted lines for each side of the octagon.
IsRectangle Try to find out it is a rectangle. This requires sorted lines for each side of the rectangle.
TryCombineLinesToArcs Trys to unflatten the surface. Small lines are unioned to arcs if possible.

See Also