InterfaceTextSpecificsD Interface

Only Text have this combination of specifics.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation.Interfaces
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public interface InterfaceTextSpecificsD : InterfaceObjectSpecificsD


Location The orgin of the text.
MirrorX Mirror the text in X direction.
Occurrence Occurrence can be 1 or 0. Default is 1.
Positive Is the object a cut out?
(Inherited from InterfaceObjectSpecificsD)
Rotation The rotation of the text.
Text The sourcedata of the text.
TextSize The Textsize of one char.
WidthFactor Factor to stretch the text.


Clone Clone this object with all members and properties.
(Inherited from InterfaceObjectSpecificsD)
GetDynamicText If the text is a dynamic text according to the odb++ spec, this function returns the replaced dynamic text. Otherwise the original text is returned.
SetWidthText Set Width of text in mils. This means the diameter of each line in each letter has the fix value.

See Also