ID_ActionItem Enumeration

All free actions to start them with Execute.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public enum ID_ActionItem


NONE0 no action
ID_CLOSE1 close the PCB-Investigator
ID_JOB_LIBRARY2 open the job library dialog
ID_OPEN_ODB3 open the odb-folder-browser
ID_OPEN_TGZ_ZIP4 open the tgz/zip-file-browser
ID_CAM_INPUT5 open the gerber/excellon/sieb-and-meyer input dialog
ID_IMPORT_ODB_LAYER6 open the add ODB++ layer dialog
ID_PAGE_SETUP7 open the printing page setup dialog
ID_PRINT_PREVIEW8 opens the print preview dialog
ID_PRINT9 start printing
ID_OTHER-1 for future use
ID_SAVE10 save the changes
ID_SAVE_AS11 opens the save as dialog
ID_EXIT12 exit for current ODB++ job
ID_EXPORT_EMBEDDED13 deprecated: not supported any more
ID_EXPORT_EMBEDDED_ZIP14 deprecated: not supported any more
ID_EXPORT_DXF15 [Obsolete] open the dialog to export dxf file
ID_EXPORT_HIGH_RESOLUTION_PICTURE17 open the export high resolution picture dialog
ID_EXPORT_IPCD35618 export a IPCD356 net list
ID_EXPORT_BOM19 export a bill of material
ID_EXPORT_PICK_AND_PLACE_DATA20 export the pick and place list
ID_EXPORT_COMPONENT_LIST21 export the compnent list
ID_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD22 copy graphic pane to clipboard
ID_COPY_INCLUDE_LAYERLIST23 copy graphic pane to clipboard with the layerlist and info area
ID_ADD_OBJECT24 open the add object dialog
ID_EDIT_OBJECT25 open the edit object dialog
ID_CHANGE_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES26 open the change object attribute dialog
ID_DELETE27 Ask User to delete the selected objects on active layers. Using IAutomation.SuppressUserNotification = true means user answers with no and no objects are removed. To automate delete process without user actions use the DeleteSelectedCMPs from ICMPLayer or RemoveObject(s) method from IODBLayer.
ID_TRANSFORM_LAYER29 open the transform layer dialog
ID_BOTTOM_VIEW30 Change to bottom view or from bottom view to top view.
ID_ZOOM_IN31 zoom one step in
ID_ZOOM_OUT32 zoom one step out
ID_ZOOM_PROFILE33 zoom to profile region
ID_ZOOM_HOME34 zoom to an rectangle including all objects
ID_ZOOM_TO_SELECTION35 zoom to all selected objects
ID_DEFAULT_VIEW36 deactivate all layer and zoom to profile
ID_ROUND_MEASURE_CURSOR37 de-/activate a special measure mouse cursor for small areas
ID_CROSSHAIR38 de-/activate the crosshair mode
ID_RULER39 de-/activate the edge ruler
ID_GRID40 de-/activate the grid showing, for different styles use the options dialog
ID_LAST_VIEW41 change back to the last view
ID_SET_ZOOM_FACTOR42 set a fix zoom factor
ID_3D_VIEW43 Obsolete: open the 3D tool (this is old method new is direct linking to the interface of 3D.dll)
ID_FIND44 open the find dialog
ID_CLEAR_SELECTION45 clear the selection list
ID_REVERSE_SELECTION46 reverse the selected object list
ID_PREVIOUS_SELECTION47 get back to the last selection
ID_SELECT_OBJECT_BY_INDEX48 select the spezific object
ID_SELECTION_FILTER49 open the selection filter dialog
ID_ASSIGN_COLOR_TO_SELECTION50 open the color dialog to set a color to selected object
ID_RESET_COLOR_OF_SELECTION51 set back the color to layer colors
ID_RESET_ALL_COLOR_ASIGNMENTS52 delete all colorsettings for objects
ID_SETUP_COLORS53 open the color setup dialog
ID_OPTIONS54 open the options dialog
ID_COMPARE_LAYER_GRAPHICAL55 open the compare grahical dialog
ID_CALCULATE_AREA56 open the area calculation dialog
ID_NOTES_DIALOG57 open the notes dialog
ID_MATRIX58 open the matrix dialog
ID_MEASURE59 open the measure dialog
ID_STEP_AND_REPEAT60 open the step and repeat dialog
ID_USER_DATA61 open the user data dialog
ID_ADD_IMAGE_LAYER62 open the add image layer dialog
ID_SCREEN_CAPTURE63 take a screen capture and open the capture dialog
ID_SET_RECTANGLE_PROFILE64 change the profile to an rectangle
ID_COMPONENT_MANAGER65 open the component manager dialog
ID_COMPONENT_VIEW_SETUP66 open the component view setup dialog
ID_COMPONENT_PROPERTIES67 open the component properties
ID_SYMBOL_LIST69 open the symol list
ID_DOCUMENTATION70 open the internet browser and download the documentation
ID_TERMS_OF_LICENCE71 open the terms of licence dialog
ID_STROKES_HELP72 open the strokes help dialog (strokes are only active PlugIns not for using the Automation Interface)
ID_OPEN_DEMO_DESIGN73 download the demo desing and open it
ID_TELL_A_FRIEND74 create a new eMail
ID_BUY_PCB_INVESTIGATOR75 open the buy dialog
ID_ABOUT76 open the about dialog
ID_ZOOM_1TO177 zoom to "real" board size on the screen
ID_OPEN_CURRENT_JOB_WITH_WINDOWS_EXPLORER78 open an windows explorer on the ODB++ job location
ID_MOUSE_TOOL_ZOOM79 change to mouse tool zoom
ID_MOUSE_TOOL_SELECT80 change to mouse tool select object
ID_MOUSE_TOOL_SELECT_IN_RECTANGLE81 change to mouse tool select all objects in an rectangle
ID_MOUSE_TOOL_SELECT_NET82 change to mouse tool netselection
ID_MOUSE_TOOL_PAN83 change to mouse tool pan
ID_NET_DIALOG84 open the net dialog
ID_DRILL_LAYER_MIXED_COLORS85 change color mode for drills
ID_INFO_LAYER86 (obsolete) open/close the info layer dialog
ID_DRAW_PROFILE87 change the drawing state of the profile
ID_SELECTION_BUFFER88 open the selection buffer
ID_CHANGE_UNITS89 toggle between metric and mils
ID_FLATTEN_PANEL90 show the flatten panels (step in step)
ID_STEP_INFO91 add information about the panels(steps) on the entry points
ID_CLOSE_ALL_WINDOWS92 close all sub-windows
ID_DRAW_ONLY_SELECTED_ELEMENTS93 change the draw only selected mode
ID_DRAW_ONLY_SELECTED_COMPONENTS94 change the draw only selected mode
ID_CHANGE_DRAWING_MODE95 change to next drawing mode
ID_OPEN_ASCII_FROM_SELECTED_LAYER96 open the ascii data from selected layer in layer list
ID_SHOW_ATTRIBUTE_HISTOGRAM_FROM_SELECTED_LAYER97 open the attribute histogram from selected layer in layer list
ID_ALL_SIGNAL_LAYER_ON98 activate all signal layer
ID_ALL_LAYER_ON99 activate all layer
ID_ALL_LAYER_OFF100 deactivate all layer
ID_VIEW_PRODUCTION_DATA101 show production data for selected layer in layer list if possible
ID_PICTURE_DIALOG102 open the picture dialog for selected layer in layer list
ID_GOTO_POSITION103 go to board position
ID_PROPERTIES_FROM_SELECTED_OBJECT104 show the property window for selected object
ID_CHANGE_STEP_NAME105 change the step name of selected step
ID_SELECT_ALL107 select all objects from active layers
ID_MOVE_UP108 move visible area up
ID_MOVE_DOWN109 move visible area down
ID_MOVE_RIGHT110 move visible area right
ID_MOVE_LEFT111 move visible area left
ID_CHANGE_HIDE_TRANSPARENT_SURFACES112 change the hide transparent surfaces mode
ID_NET_MODE_DEFAULT113 net mode to select all net elements
ID_NET_MODE_CURRENT_LAYER114 net mode to select only elements on the current layer
ID_NET_MODE_ACTIVATE_BEST_VIEW115 net mode to select all net elements, activate all relevant layers and draw only selected
ID_CHANGE_DRAWING_MODE_FILLED116 change to filled drawing mode
ID_CHANGE_DRAWING_MODE_OUTLINE117 change to filled outline mode
ID_CHANGE_DRAWING_MODE_BOTH118 change to filled both mode
ID_SHOW_DRILL_TOOL_MANAGER119 open the drill tool manager dialog
ID_NET_MODE_SHAPE120 net mode shape create a new net list for all objects in contact on one layer
ID_UPDATE_LAYER_LIST121 update layer list This will be necessary if there was a delete layer or add layer action.
ID_CMP_LAYER_SELECTED122 for selection in layer list
ID_COPY_SELECTED_ODBOBJECTS123 copy the selected objects on IODBLayers
ID_PASTE_COPIED_ITEMS124 paste the copied objects on an IODBLayer
ID_SHOW_OVERSIZE_DLG125 show oversize dialog
ID_SHOW_SELECTION_ONLY_ON_ACTIVE_LAYERS126 Selection only on active layers
ID_EXPORT_GERBER127 Export Layer As Gerber
ID_DEACTIVATE_STROKES129 Deactivate the mouse strokes.
ID_ACTIVATE_STROKES130 Activate the mouse strokes in PCB-Investigator.
ID_UNDO_LAST_ACTION131 Undo last action if stack is not empty.
ID_ADD_CURRENT_JOB_TO_LIBRARY132 The current job will be added to a selected library from small dialog menu. Feature is not used any more, this will be removed in later versions.
ID_REMOVE_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS133 Go through all layer and remove each double element who have a complete identically object (e.g. round pad with same diameter and location)
ID_GENERATE_NETLIST134 Generate netlist for all layers with connections through drills.
ID_NET_MODE_SHAPE_OVER_LAYERS135 Select nets like in shape mode and check connections through drills.
ID_SET_JOB_NAME136 Change job name for misc info file.
ID_NET_MODE_CROSSOVER137 Cross over mode, select connected nets over components.
ID_CREATE_EMPTY_PROJECT138 Create an empty odb++ structure in temporary directory.
ID_SET_COLOR_TO_ACTIVE_LAYER139 Active layer of layer list will be set to a color from color dialog.
ID_IMPORT_FAVORITES140 Open favorites list.
ID_IMPORT_RECENT141 Open recent design dialog to select from last opend designs.
ID_IMPORT_BROWSE142 Open browse dialog to select design in folder tree view.
ID_CHANGE_UNIT_To_MM143 toggle between metric and mils
ID_CHANGE_UNIT_To_MILS144 toggle between metric and mils
ID_TOGGLE_STROKES145 Toggles Strokes on/off
ID_CLEAR_OUTLINE146 Clear PCB outline from active step.
ID_GET_PROFILE_BOUNDS147 Calculate bounds of the current step.
ID_ADD_ACTIVE_LAYER_TO_OUTLINE148 Combine all elements on the active layer and set them to the PCB outline.
ID_CREATE_LAYER_FROM_OUTLINE149 Create new layer with elements of the PCB outline.
ID_SET_OUTLINE_BY_LINES150 Open dialog to create outline by mouse clicks.
ID_SET_OUTLINE_BY_ALL_LAYER_OBJECTS151 Set outline by calculating the bounds around of all elements.
ID_SELECT_ALL_NETS_OF_COMPONENT152 Open dialog to check wehter nets are connected to components and select them if there are nets.
ID_POLYGONIZE_SELECTION153 Polygonize selection connect all selected elements by intersecting points and make one or more surfaces of it.
ID_CREATE_OUTLINE_FROM_SELECTION154 Combine all elements on the active layer and set them to the PCB outline.
ID_DO_FLATTEN_STEP_AND_REPEAT155 Flatten of step and repeat data, this contains all sub steps to put them on a new step with all data in one step.
ID_ADD_TO_OUTLINE_FROM_SELECTION156 Add selection to outline, this combine the selected elements and add them to the PCB outline.
ID_ADD_TO_OUTLINE_FROM_SELECTION_CENTER157 Create special elmenets from the selected objects to add the lines, arcs and surfaces without there dimensions to the PCB outline.
ID_COLLABORATION_NEXT158 Next view from collaboration list.
ID_COLLABORATION_PREVIOUS159 Previous view from collaboration list.
ID_COLLABORATION_ADD160 Add current view to collaboration list (current selection/layers).
ID_COLLABORATION_WINDOW161 Tool to save views, selections and notes for data exchange (e.g. with colleagues/customers).
ID_INFO_LAYER_SIZE162 Show size on info layer.
ID_INFO_LAYER_NETNAME163 Show netname on info layer.
ID_INFO_LAYER_FREETEXT164 Show freetext on info layer.
ID_INFO_LAYER_LINES165 Show info on lines.
ID_INFO_LAYER_PADS166 Show info on pads.
ID_INFO_LAYER_SMDS167 Show info on SMDs.
ID_INFO_LAYER_SURFACE168 Show info on surfaces.
ID_INFO_LAYER_ALLLAYERS169 Show infolayer for all active layers.
ID_INFO_LAYER_OUTLINE_ONLY_SELECTED170 Show highlighting off info objects in draw only selected mode.
ID_INFO_LAYER_OFF171 Deactivate info layer.
ID_HATCH_SELECTION172 Replace selection by hatched patterns.
ID_SHOW_ZONES173 ODB Zones are defined with properties for height or copper areas.
ID_UNLOAD_INACTIVE_LAYERS174 Remove Objects from RAM to have space for working.
ID_OPEN_DEMO_DESIGN_3D176 Open second Demo Design with real 3D models for better 3D view.
ID_SURFACEOUTLINE177 Change between outline and full filling of surface drawing.
ID_REMOVE_NEGATIVE_OBJECTS178 Cut negative objects out of underlying objects on all layers.
ID_IMPORT_EMBEDDEDDESIGN179 Import PCB-Investigator embedded design in current version.
ID_DRAW_NEGATIVE_LAYERS_INVERTED180 Draws layers with negative polarity inverted (not in Outline Mode, and not when DrawOnlySelected is on)
ID_SYMBOL_LIBRARY181 open the symbol library
ID_PART_LIBRARY182 open the part library
ID_TRANSFORM_ORIGIN183 Open the transform origin dialog to move complete board.
ID_UNFLATTEN_ARCS_FROM_SELECTION184 Use active layers to search for flattend arcs and recreate the basic arcs.
ID_SET_RECTANGLE_PROFILE_TO_SELECTION185 Change the profile to an rectangle around the selection.
ID_PACKAGE_LIBRARY186 open the package library
ID_EXPORT_ODB_ZIP187 Export an ODB design as zip.
ID_EXPORT_ODB_ZIP_PW188 Export an ODB design as zip with option for password.
ID_SHOW_MPN_PACKAGE_BODY189 Draw the MPN Package Body if exists (with MPNPackageColor)
ID_SHOW_MPN_PACKAGE_PINS190 Draw the MPN Package Pins if exists (with MPNPackageColor)
ID_SHOW_MPN_PACKAGE_PIN_LABELS191 Draw the MPN Package Pin Labels if exists (with MPNPackageColor)
ID_SHOW_ATTRIBUTE_HISTOGRAM_FROM_SELECTION192 Open the attribute histogram from selected elements
ID_SHOW_EDITION_LICENSE193 open the edition license dialog
ID_SET_TO_OUTLINE_FROM_SELECTION_HOLES194 Create special elmenets from the selected objects to set the created holes from lines, arcs and surfaces without there dimensions to the PCB outline.
ID_CHECK_FOR_NEW_VERSION195 Checks online if a new version of PCB-Investigator is available
ID_SHOW_SEARCH_MANAGER196 Show dialog to manage searches like web search epl search and many more

See Also