IComponentParameters(ComponentLabel, Boolean, Boolean, ComponentPinLabelEnum, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Color, Boolean, Double, Int32, Color, Color, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Color, Color, Boolean, Color) Constructor

Create an instance of component parameters.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation.DrawingParameters
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public IComponentParameters(
	ComponentLabel CMPLabel,
	bool ShowPads,
	bool ShowPinNumbers,
	ComponentPinLabelEnum PinLabel,
	bool HighlightFirstPin,
	bool MirrorLabels,
	int ComponentAlpha,
	Color ComponentTextColor,
	bool ShowInsertPoint,
	double InsertPointUnitFactor,
	int PenWidthPX,
	Color ComponentColorTop,
	Color ComponentColorBot,
	bool IgnoreObjectColor,
	bool DynamicTextPosition,
	bool UseAntiAliasTextRendering,
	bool ShowMPNPackageBody,
	bool ShowMPNPackagePins,
	bool ShowMPNPackagePinLabel,
	Color MPNPackageBodyColor,
	Color MPNPackagePinColor,
	bool HighlightPolarityPin,
	Color PolarityPinColor


CMPLabel  ComponentLabel
Show the component label with this information (e.g. Reference).
ShowPads  Boolean
Show pin pads for the component pins.
ShowPinNumbers  Boolean
The numbers of pins shown? This can also be a string like "A1".
PinLabel  ComponentPinLabelEnum
Where to get the pin label information?
HighlightFirstPin  Boolean
Sometimes the first pin is of special interest.
MirrorLabels  Boolean
Do you need a bottom view? Than you can mirror the labels.
ComponentAlpha  Int32
The transparency of component.
ComponentTextColor  Color
Which color should be used to show the text of the component.
ShowInsertPoint  Boolean
Draw the special highlighter insert point.
InsertPointUnitFactor  Double
In older formats the insert point unit is not defined in the file, here you can change the unit factor.
PenWidthPX  Int32
Pixel size of the pen to draw the component outline.
ComponentColorTop  Color
Color for all top components if they have no own color.
ComponentColorBot  Color
Color for all bottom components if they have no own color.
IgnoreObjectColor  Boolean
Ignores the color of single components
DynamicTextPosition  Boolean
If true, the component/pin labels are centered to the visible area part of the component/pin bounds. If false, the text is centered to the component/pin bounds and could be outside the screen.
UseAntiAliasTextRendering  Boolean
If true, the component/pin labels are rendered with Antialias
ShowMPNPackageBody  Boolean
If true, the MPN Package Body is drawn if exists (with MPNPackageBodyColor)
ShowMPNPackagePins  Boolean
If true, the MPN Package Pins are drawn if exists (with MPNPackagePinColor)
ShowMPNPackagePinLabel  Boolean
If true, the MPN Package Pin Labels are drawn if exists (with MPNPackagePinColor)
MPNPackageBodyColor  Color
Color for MPN Package Bodys
MPNPackagePinColor  Color
Color for MPN Package Pins
HighlightPolarityPin  Boolean
Highlight the Polarity Pin of a Component
PolarityPinColor  Color
Color of the Polarity Pin

See Also