IStepExportGerberLayersInOneFile(ListIODBLayer, IFileData, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SpecialSymbolGerberExportEnum, PanelGerberExportEnum, Boolean, Boolean) Method

Save all layerobjects as gerberfile to the fullPath location.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public bool ExportGerberLayersInOneFile(
	List<IODBLayer> layerList,
	IFileData gerberFileDestination,
	int DigitsGerberLengthBeforeComma,
	int DigitsGerberLengthAfterComma,
	bool UseMM,
	bool OnlySelected,
	bool exportX2Properties,
	SpecialSymbolGerberExportEnum specialSymbolOption,
	PanelGerberExportEnum panelOption,
	bool addProfileOutline,
	bool mirrorOutput = false


layerList  ListIODBLayer
All layers for output in one file.
gerberFileDestination  IFileData
DigitsGerberLengthBeforeComma  Int32
Count of digits in gerberfile before comma.
DigitsGerberLengthAfterComma  Int32
Count of digits in gerberfile after comma.
UseMM  Boolean
Write mm in the exported file, or use imperial values (mils).
OnlySelected  Boolean
Output only for selected objects.
exportX2Properties  Boolean
Add e.g. layer type and net information in gerber X2 format.
specialSymbolOption  SpecialSymbolGerberExportEnum
How to handle special symbols.
panelOption  PanelGerberExportEnum
How to handle panel step and repeat elements.
addProfileOutline  Boolean
Add outline in gerberfile.
mirrorOutput  Boolean  (Optional)
The exported data will be mirrored and translated to the original location

Return Value

True if saving layer has worked correkt.

See Also