INoteBase Class

The INote class allows you to create info text on specific points in the design.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public abstract class INoteBase
Object    INoteBase


CanMoveAnchor Move the anchor point possible?
CanMoveLabel Move the label location possible?
ClientOffset The offset of this INote.
IsPostPaintingNote Variable decides whether the note is drawn before or after the CAD data is drawn.
ParentLayer Shown on which layer?
Visible Set this note visible of hidden.
WorldLocation First location of this note in world coordinates
WorldLocations Locations of this note in world coordinates.


Client2World Calculate the client to world transformation.
Draw Draw this note in visible area.
HittestAnchor Hittest to move anchor.
HittestLabel Hittest for label (and containing rectangle).
MoveAnchor Change location of the anchor point.
MoveLabel Change location of the label.
StartDragging Start dragging the note.
World2Client Calculate world to client transformation.


OriginalAnchorPointBeforeMove When a Anchor point is moved, this is the previous location before the move

Extension Methods

See Also