IDrawingParameters Class

Drawing Parameters for creating images and draw images with this setting.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation.DrawingParameters
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public class IDrawingParameters
Object    IDrawingParameters



BackColor Background color
InfoColor Color which is used for drawing info text and e.g. measure line
ProfileColor Color of the Profile Pen


BoardBrushColor Color which is used for filling the contour of the PCB
ColorMixingMode If more than one layer is drawn, this mode determines how the different overlapping colors are mixed
ComponentParameters Set of Parameters for drawing components
DrawBoardColored Fill the contour of the board with the BoardBrushColor
DrawODBZones Draw ODB++ Zones (if defined in the data set)
DrawOrigin Draw the contour of the board
DrawProfile Draw the contour of the board
FeatureParameters Set of Parameters for drawing normal objects (Line/Arc/Surface/Text/Pad)
FlattenStep Draw all instances of a Step and Repeat panel
NoColorMixtureForDrills If set, drills are drawn at the end without mixing the colors
PanelInfoInProfile Draw additional panel information (if a step with Step and Repeat is active)
SelectionParameters Set of Parameters for drawing the selection
SortedLayersToDraw List of Layers (with additional settings) to draw. The order is important because of the ColorMixingMode.
UseDefaultBackgroundColor Use the internal default color or the background color?
UseDefaultInfoColor Use the internal default color or the info color?
UseDefaultProfileColor Use the internal default color or the profile color?
XorComponentLayer Use XOR Colormixing also for Components

Extension Methods

See Also