TransformClass Class

Helper to create your own viwer.


Namespace: PCB_Investigator.Automation.ResourcesOpen.Helper
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public class TransformClass
Object    TransformClass


TransformClass Init the transform class with basic size.


AdjustWindow(RectangleD, Int32, Int32) 
AdjustWindow(RectangleF, Int32, Int32) Adjust window to given rectangle in world coordinates.
Client2World(Point) Calculate the mil value from pixel point.
Client2World(Rectangle) calculate the world rectangle in mils from an basic rectanlge in pixel
ClientX2WorldX calculate client x coordinate to world x
ClientY2WorldY calculate client y coordinate to world y
Move Move by distance values in x and y direction.
MoveDown make standard move to down direction
MoveLeft make standard move to left direction
MoveRight make standard move to right direction
MoveToPoint move the current view to lient point
MoveUp make standard move to up direction
SetParamsForPrinting Set fix values for printing
Transform Transform a world point in client coordinate
World2Client(PointF) Calculate the mil coordinates in pixel point.
World2Client(RectangleF) Calculate an rectangle in pixel from the world rectangle in mil
WorldX2ClientX(Double) Calculate the pixel coordinate from an mil value.
WorldX2ClientX(Single) Calculate the pixel coordinate from an mil value.
WorldY2ClientY(Double) Calculate the pixel coordinate from an mil value.
WorldY2ClientY(Single) Calculate the pixel coordinate from an mil value.
Zoom zoom to fix scale
ZoomIn zoom in on current position
ZoomInPoint zoom in to client point (e.g. mouse position)
ZoomOut zoom out from current position
ZoomOutPoint zool out from client point (e.g. mouse position)
ZoomRect(RectangleD) zoom to world rectangle
ZoomRect(RectangleF) zoom to world rectangle


NeedRedraw update view will redraw the image
pictureHeight size of picture in y direction
pictureWidth size of pictue in x direction
ViewParamsOrigin origin point for the image
ViewParamsScale current scale value

Extension Methods

See Also