InterfaceCMPObject Methods


AddComponentAttribute Add an attribute or override the value if exist.
Clone Clone the component object.
DistanceTo(ICMPObject, Boolean) Calculate the distance between two objects.
DistanceTo(InterfaceCMPObject, Boolean) Calculate the distance between two objects.
DistanceTo(InterfaceODBObject, Boolean) Calculate the distance between two objects.
DistanceTo(IODBObject, Boolean) Calculate the distance between two objects.
DistanceTo(ICMPObject, PointF, PointF, Boolean) Calculate the distance between two objects.
DistanceTo(InterfaceCMPObject, PointF, PointF, Boolean) Calculate the distance between two objects.
GetAttributes The Attributes of the Object
(Inherited from InterfaceObject)
GetBodyBoundsD The bounds of the component body (without Pins), if available the maximum of combined mpn package outline and component body.
GetBodyBoundsD(Boolean) The bounds of the component body (without Pins), if available the maximum of combined mpn package outline and component body.
GetBounds The size of the object.
(Inherited from IBoundableD)
GetComponentAttributeClasses GetComponentAtributes returns a Dictionary of strings with all component attributes.
GetComponentAttributeDictionary GetComponentAtributes returns a Dictionary of strings with all component attributes.
GetComponentAttributeHashtable GetComponentAtributes returns a Hashtable of strings with all component attributes.
GetComponentAttributes GetComponentAtributes returns a list of strings with all component attributes. This list contains used geometry attributes and component attributes!
GetComponentImage Create a image of the component.
GetGeometryAttributes Returns a stringlist with all geometry attributes.
GetGeometryAttributesHashtable Returns a Hashtable with all geometry attributes.
GetInterfacePinList Returns all Pins of the Component (in the order of the package pin definition).
GetOutline Creates a list of all elements building the outline. This includes no pins!
GetOutline(Boolean) Creates a list of all elements building the outline.
GetOutlineD Creates a list of all elements building the outline.
(Inherited from InterfaceObject)
GetPackageSpecifics Creates the IPackageSpecifics of the component package.
GetPackageSpecificsD Creates the IPackageSpecificsD of the component package.
GetPackageSurfaceSpecificsD Create a surface from the outline of the package.
GetPin(Int32) Get pin by package index.
GetPin(String) Returns the Pin with its PinLabel or false if the value is null.
GetPinConnectionToBoardNet(InterfaceStep, NullableBoolean) Calculate the diameter of all outgoing elements
GetPinConnectionToBoardNet(IStep, NullableBoolean) Calculate the diameter of all outgoing elements
GetPinCount Returns pin count of the component
GetPinList Returns all Pins of the Component (in the order of the package pin definition).
GetPolygonOutline Creates outline as IPolyClass.
(Inherited from InterfaceObject)
GetPolygonOutline(Boolean) Creates outline as IPolyClass
GetPosition Get the position of the component as PointD.
GetSimplePolygonOutline Creates outline as IPolyClass. This is simple outline with only closed outline parts (e.g. genCad files contain often single lines or non closed structures).
GetSpecialAreaColor Returns the set color for a given AreaType. Areas are only drawn, when activated in PCBI.Automation.DrawingParameters.IComponentParameters
GetSpecifics Gets a ObjectSpecifics (e.g. PadSpecifics) with special data.
GetSpecificsD Gets a ObjectSpecifics (e.g. PadSpecifics) with special data.
GetTangentLayerName Search for the contact signal layer.
GetTransformMatrix Returns the transformation matrix with translation, rotation and mirroring
HasAreaDefinition Returns true when package of this component contains the given area definition.
IsInComponent Checks whether the point is included in the components bounds.
IsPointOfSecondObjectIncluded(ICMPObject, Boolean) Returns true if the SecondObject has a Point in this object.
IsPointOfSecondObjectIncluded(InterfaceCMPObject, Boolean) Returns true if the SecondObject has a Point in this object.
IsPointOfSecondObjectIncluded(InterfaceODBObject, Boolean) Returns true if the SecondObject has a Point in this object.
IsPointOfSecondObjectIncluded(IODBObject, Boolean) Returns true if the SecondObject has a Point in this object.
Mirror Mirror the component in X direction.
ObjectColorTemporary Set the component color temporary, whitout event for need save changes. Caution: If you save while the object exists is the color added!
(Inherited from InterfaceObject)
RemoveAttribute Remove an attribute from this component.
ReplaceItemBy(ICMPObject) Replace this object by other object on same position of layer element list.
ReplaceItemBy(InterfaceCMPObject) Replace this object by other object on same position of layer element list.
ResetColor Resets the set color
(Inherited from InterfaceObject)
ResetSpecialAreaColors Resets all AreaType Colors to default Areas are only drawn, when activated in PCBI.Automation.DrawingParameters.IComponentParameters
Select Select the object respectively deselect the object.
(Inherited from InterfaceObject)
SetSpecialAreaColor Sets the color for a given AreaType. Color.Empty hides a certain area. Areas are only drawn, when activated in PCBI.Automation.DrawingParameters.IComponentParameters
SetSpecifics(InterfaceObjectSpecificsD) Set the specific values of the object
(Inherited from InterfaceObject)
SetSpecifics(IObjectSpecifics) Set the specific values of the object
(Inherited from InterfaceObject)
SetSpecifics(IObjectSpecificsD) Set the specific values of the object
(Inherited from InterfaceObject)
SetSpecifics(IComponentSpecifics, IPackageSpecifics) Set the specific values of the component.
SetSpecifics(IComponentSpecificsD, IPackageSpecificsD) Set the specific values of the component.
SetSpecifics(InterfaceComponentSpecificsD, InterfacePackageSpecificsD) Set the specific values of the component.

See Also