ICMPLayer Methods


CalculateLayerBounds Check all objects on the layer and calculates the bounds new.
(Overrides ILayerCalculateLayerBounds)
DeleteSelectedCMPs All Selected components on this layer are removed.
DisableLayer Make the layer invisible and remove it from the working list
(Overrides ILayerDisableLayer)
EnableLayer Make the layer visible.
(Overrides ILayerEnableLayer(Boolean))
Equals Determines whether two objects are the same.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object))
EqualsNull Determines whether the layer is null.
GetAllLayerObjects Gets all objects on the layer.
(Overrides ILayerGetAllLayerObjects)
GetAllObjectInRectangle(RectangleD) Returns all objects in the specified rectangle Area.
(Overrides ILayerGetAllObjectInRectangle(RectangleD))
GetAllObjectInRectangle(RectangleF) Returns all objects in the specified rectangle Area.
(Overrides ILayerGetAllObjectInRectangle(RectangleF))
GetAllObjectsOnPosition(PointD) Returns all objects on the point (including step and repeat).
(Overrides ILayerGetAllObjectsOnPosition(PointD))
GetAllObjectsOnPosition(PointF) Gets all objects on a point on this Layer.
(Overrides ILayerGetAllObjectsOnPosition(PointF))
GetAllObjectsOnPositionInCurrentStep Returns all objects on the point (only in current step).
(Overrides ILayerGetAllObjectsOnPositionInCurrentStep(PointD))
GetBounds Returns a rectangle with the bounds of the layer.
(Overrides ILayerGetBounds)
GetBoundsD Gets the rectangle size which encloses the layer in double values.
(Overrides ILayerGetBoundsD)
GetComponentByReference Search for component by reference (unique name of component).
GetConnectedComponents(PointD) Returns all components which are connected with the Point.
GetConnectedComponents(PointF) Returns all components which are connected with the Point.
GetElementCount Gets count of Elements on this layer
(Overrides ILayerGetElementCount)
GetHashCode Gets the HashCode.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode)
GetLayerName The Name of this Layer.
(Overrides ILayerGetLayerName)
GetNotesOnLayer Get all notes as string on this layer.
(Overrides ILayerGetNotesOnLayer)
GetOverlayColor Returns the Overlay color at a certain position
(Overrides ILayerGetOverlayColor(Double, Double))
GetOverlayPixelValue Returns the value and description of the overlay at a certain world coordinate.
(Overrides ILayerGetOverlayPixelValue(Double, Double, Double, String, String))
HasOverlay Returns true if layer has an image overlay
(Overrides ILayerHasOverlay)
IsTopComponentLayer Is top component layer or bottom layer? On bottom layer all components are mirrored in X direction, because user see them from false direction.
MirrorX Mirrors the layer in X-direction.
(Overrides ILayerMirrorX)
MirrorY Mirrors the layer in Y-direction.
(Overrides ILayerMirrorY)
MoveLayer(PointD) Move the layer to the postition.
(Overrides ILayerMoveLayer(PointD))
MoveLayer(PointF) Move the layer to the postition.
(Overrides ILayerMoveLayer(PointF))
RotateLayer Rotate the layer 90° clockwise or counter-clockwise.
(Overrides ILayerRotateLayer(Boolean))
SaveLayerAsCatia saves the layer as catia script
(Inherited from ILayer)
SaveLayerAsDXF [Obsolete] Saves the layer as dxf file
(Overrides ILayerSaveLayerAsDXF(String))
SetOverlayAlpha Set the alpha value (transparency) for the Overlay image.
(Overrides ILayerSetOverlayAlpha(Byte))
SetOverlayImage Sets an overlay image for this layer or removes the image (bmp=null)
(Overrides ILayerSetOverlayImage(Bitmap, Matrix, DictionaryInt32, DictionaryInt32, Double, String, String, Boolean))
ToString Returns name of the layer
(Inherited from ILayer)

Extension Methods

See Also