ISurfaceSpecifics Methods


AddArc Add an new outline arc segment to the subpolygon.
AddLine Add an new outline line segment to the subpolygon.
ClearSurface Clear all elements from the surface and all subpolygons.
EndPolygon closes the subpolygon
GetBounds Returns the surface bounds.
GetGraphicsPath Creates the Graphics Path of the surface.
GetOutline Creates a List of IODBObjects for the outline of the surface. It containes all objects in the coord list with holes and outline elements!
GetOutlineLists Creates a list of outline elements, if there are more than one object (e.g. holes) they will be seperated in different lists.
GetPolyClassOutline Create IPolyClass opbject from outline.
GetPolygonOutline Create a List of IPolygonSpecifics, who represent all isle and holes of the surface.
StartPolygon For each part of the surface there are a polygon, the first polygon can't be a hole.
Transform Move and rotate the surface.

Extension Methods

See Also