ISurfaceSpecificsD Class

The SurfaceSpecifics is a container for polygons existing by arcs and lines.


Namespace: PCBI.Automation
Assembly: PCB-Investigator (in PCB-Investigator.exe) Version: 0
public class ISurfaceSpecificsD : IObjectSpecificsD, 
	InterfaceSurfaceSpecificsD, InterfaceObjectSpecificsD
Object    IObjectSpecificsD    ISurfaceSpecificsD
InterfaceObjectSpecificsD, InterfaceSurfaceSpecificsD


CurrentElementCount Count of edge elements of the current polygon (this is only the newest one after start Polygon method).
DCode Gerber dcode number or Excellon tool number (0 if not defined).
Positive If its false it will be cuted out from other objects before.
(Overrides IObjectSpecificsDPositive)
StartPoint Get the start point of the first sub polygon e.g. the outline of surface.


AddArc Add an new outline arc segment to the subpolygon.
AddHole Add an IPolyCalss as hole to the surface, be carefull there are no intersectings with isles or other holes.
AddIsle Add an IPolyCalss as isle to the surface, be carefull there are no intersectings with other isles or holes.
AddLine Add an new outline line segment to the subpolygon.
AddSurface(InterfaceSurfaceSpecificsD) Combine the current surface with the SurfaceToAdd.
AddSurface(ISurfaceSpecificsD) Combine the current surface with the SurfaceToAdd.
CheckIslesAndHoles Sets the IsHole State for each of the Polygons and check the direction of sub all sub polygons.
CleanUp Remove small line and arc elements
ClearSurface Clear all elements from the surface and all subpolygons.
Clone Clone this object with all members and properties.
(Overrides IObjectSpecificsDClone)
EndPolygon Closes the sub polygon, be careful by using this action. If the polygon has gabs, it try to close it. It works on the main surface if you change something it has direct effects on the main surface.
FromODBString Create surface from ODB string, this handles only one surface!
GetBounds Returns the surface bounds or empty rectangle if no subpolygons in the surface.
GetGraphicsPath Creates the Graphics Path of the surface.
GetIPolyClass IPolyClass of the defined outline or null if the elements is empty.
GetODBString Generate the odb string
GetOutline Creates a List of IODBObjects for the outline of the surface. It containes all objects in the coord list with holes and outline elements!
GetOutlineLists Creates a list of outline elements, if there are more than one object (e.g. holes) they will be seperated in different lists.
GetPolygonOutline Create a List of IPolygonSpecifics, who represent all isle and holes of the surface.
GetPolygonOutlineD Create a List of IPolygonSpecificsD, who represent all isle and holes of the surface.
IsPointInsideSurface Returns true if the point is inside of the surface (1 Isle and 0 or more Holes)
MirrorX Mirror the surface including all subelements in X
MirrorY Mirror the surface including all subelements in Y
Rotate Rotate the surface including all subelements
Scale Scale the surface including all subelements
SetOffset Offset for all subelements of this surface specifics.
SplitInIsleAndHoles(InterfacePCBIWindow, Boolean, Boolean) Check all subpolygons for holes and isles, make a list of new surfaces for each isle with own holes.
SplitInIsleAndHoles(IPCBIWindow, Boolean, Boolean) Check all subpolygons for holes and isles, make a list of new surfaces for each isle with own holes.
StartPolygon For each part of the surface there are a polygon, the first polygon can't be a hole.
Transform Move and rotate the surface.


Tag Tag to add temporary object.
(Inherited from IObjectSpecificsD)

Extension Methods

(Defined by ExtensionsMethods)
TryCombineLinesToArcs Trys to unflatten the surface. Small lines are unioned to arcs if possible.
(Defined by Extensions)

See Also