Now available: The latest version 10.5 of PCB-Investigator!
Benefit from the numerous updates and improvements of our latest PCB-Investigator version V10.5
Overview of the most important innovations:
- Eagle Update: improved area fill flooding / thermal tie creation
- Database Compare Update: percent values for pins instead of components per net
- DPF-Update: better internal attribute handling
- GenCad Update: better error handling with invalid package names and empty text content
- Improved graphically compare for panel
- Improved TGZ Import: invalid file chars are now replaced by “_”
- Dimensioning Update: better visualization of dimensions in bottom view
- Attribut Histogramm Update: package size added for component layers
- Component Attribute Export Update: package size added
- If PCB and Panel are existing in a dataset, the PCB is always loaded at start-up
- More links to the manual in different sub-windows
- Printing Update: last used options are stored in the ini file
- Reworked mouse wheel zoom: if sub-windows are open and overlapping the drawing area, the view is centered to the remaining part of the drawing area
- Bugfixes: e.g. no empty file output, some missing flags for saving