Even in difficult times like these, we are constantly focusing on the further development of our software in order to be able to offer you as our customer the best possible added value. We therefore now provide you the latest version 11.1 of PCB-Investigator with numerous further developments, optimizations and innovations.
For example, we have improved the AOI analysis, both the 2D and 3D ray check, to achieve even faster and more reliable simulation results.
The Panel Builder has also been further developed in numerous aspects to make it even easier for you to create panels.
Our management platform PCB-I 365, one of our latest features, is being constantly revised to increase the performance and thus increase the efficiency of your workflow.
Here is a complete list of all new features of version 11.1:
- improved AOI 3D Ray Check and additional report function for HTML
- accelerated AOI 2D Check and huge improvement regarding the recognition of the inspection direction
- new filter method for AOI 2D / 3D Check: Exclusion of components not been soldered at the time of the AOI Check (e.g. THT components)
- PCBI 365: Various improvements regarding e.g.
- management of checked-out designs, storage of last used paths
- performance enhancement
- DFM analysis: More precise distance check to panel edge regarding the definition of sides (left/right/top/bottom) and the definition of values for the top/bottom side of the pcb
- Viscom: Adaptations for AXI with laser markers (warping inspection), deactivating option for components concerning the output
- Detailed pin information in the “Component Property” dialog
- Hazard analysis: Possibility of defining coating layers to not report defects below coating areas
- Improvements in Eagle Import
- Bugfix in GenCad Import/Export
- Operational improvements in the “Database Compare“
- Possibilty of applying all measuring methods also between individual parts in the panel (except Net-2-Net)
- Improvement of Excellon 1/2 + Sieb and Meyer Import
- Improvements in the Panel Builder:
- Performance Enhancement
- Better measurement methods regarding the distance between two components and the distance of a component to the outline
- New editing option: Fast conversion of the zero point to a PCB corner or a selected element (e.g. snap hole)
- Scripting: Autostart of Scripts
- Bare Board Analysis (DRC): New possibility of finding and reporting missing heat traps on SMD pads and THT pads (here: also inner layers) (“Missing Thermal Clearance”)
- Possibility of starting the tool Panel Optimizer from the Panel Builder
- PDF Synchronization: „Cross-Probing” with a PDF document, e.g. PDF circuit diagram, assembly drawing (selecting in PCBI leads to the same selection in the PDF and vice versa)
- Improved Parmi export (=machine format)
- Better search function in the PCB-Investigator
- Small improvement regarding the editition of part properties (when an attribute is renamed or updated simultaneously for multiple parts)
- Various extensions of the API programming interface
- Performance improvements of the Part Library in PCBI (including new filters/search functions for PCBI 365 libraries)
- Docking points: additional docking points for a better drag and drop system
- Easier handling of the selection of overlapping components